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Hardware hacks
This is mainly a collection of postscript doodles. Some may be useful, most
probably are not. All of them work under GNU GhostScript and most have been
tested on a postscript printer.
If you've ever wanted 11 pages of pure hexagonal fun, this is the place to get
it. More hexagons than you could shake a stick at, in fact.
Download: hexpage.ps
Page Area
This is one of my more useful doodles. If you print it, it will print out the
top right and bottom left of the current printable area. Ie, if the page has
been shrunk (for instance by one of those programs that puts 2 logical pages
on one sheet of paper), it will respect that. Its a useful example if you want
to make a picture always fit the area it has to print in.
Download: show_area.ps
Wobbly, colourful text
This prints out lines of wobbly colourful text in nice long wavy lines. It is
simply a doodle done for the hell of it and really serves no purpose
whatsoever. I think it looks quite nice, but I've never actually
printed it out on a colour printer.
Download: wobbletext.ps
This program recursively generates random trees and then draws a flower on the
end of each branch. It looks pretty and works on a colour printer (warning:
it will print 100 pages of flowers if you let it).
Download: tree.ps
GhostScript bug
Angled, coloured, antialiased text does not display correctly in GhostScript.
If you switch off antialiasing, the text comes out correctly (if a little ugly).
Converting to a PDF and viewing in any viewer (including, rather oddly, GhostScript)
also works around the problem.
Updated July 14th 2011, 10:52